Toddy Pond (Upper & Lower Toddy Ponds)
Blue Hill, Orland, Penobscot, Surry, Hancock, Maine
MIDAS 4340
Aquatic Plants
The following is a composite list, generated from all available plant data for this lake. The list may draw from one or multiple sources. The quality and completeness of the data will vary from lake to lake, depending upon the scope and the purpose of survey, as well as the level of expertise of the surveyor/s. Some surveys, for example those done by trained volunteers as part of and invasive aquatic plant screening surveys, have not been checked for accuracy, and are often not complete.
Click on the MAP links to view the statewide species distributions using our Species Mapper.
(If no species display below, there are no data for this lake in our database. If you have additional data, please contact us. NOTE: MAPS MAY BE SLOW TO LOAD DEPENDING ON QUERY.)
aquatic moss spp. aquatic moss spp. arrowhead, common Sagittaria latifolia arrowhead, grass-leaved Sagittaria graminea arrowhead, northern Sagittaria cuneata arrowhead, spp. Sagittaria spp. bladderwort, common Utricularia vulgaris bladderwort, floating Utricularia radiata bladderwort, humped Utricularia gibba bladderwort, large purple Utricularia purpurea bladderwort, northern Utricularia intermedia bladderwort, spp. Utricularia spp. blueflag Iris versicolor bur-reed, floating leaf Sparganium fluctuans bur-reed, narrow floating-leaf Sparganium angustifolium bur-reed, spp. (emergent) Sparganium spp. cattail, common Typha latifolia cattail spp. Typha spp. coontail Ceratophyllum demersum cottongrass, spp. Eriophorum spp. little floating heart Nymphoides cordata metaphyton (colonial algae "clouds") metaphyton muskgrass Chara spp. naiad, slender Najas flexilis naiad, spp Najas spp. naiad, thread-like Najas gracillima pickerel weed Pontedaria cordata pipewort Eriocaulon aquaticum pondweed, alga Potamogeton confervoides pondweed, clasping-leaf Potamogeton perfoliatus pondweed, fern Potamogeton robbinsii pondweed, floating-leaf Potamogeton natans pondweed, large-leaf Potamogeton amplifolius pondweed, red Potamogeton alpinus pondweed, ribbon-leaf Potamogeton epihydrous pondweed, slender Potamogeton pusillus pondweed, small Potamogeton pusilloid spp. pondweed, snail-seed Potamogeton bicupulatus pondweed, spiral-fruited Potamogeton spirillus pondweed, spp. Potamogeton spp. pondweed, variable Potamogeton gramineus quillwort Isoetes spp. rush, bayonet Juncus militaris rush, brown-fruited Juncus pelocarpus rush, common Juncus effusus rush, spp. Juncus spp. spatterdock Nuphar variegata spikerush, needle Eleocharis acicularis spikerush, Robbin's Eleocharis robbinsii sponge, freshwater spp. sponge, freshwater St. Johnswort, northern Hypericum boreale stonewort spp. Nitella spp. swamp candles Lysimachia terrestris threeway sedge Dulichium arundinaceum water lily, fragrant Nymphaea odorata water lobelia Lobelia dortmanna water marigold Bidens beckii water-milfoil, alternate-flowered Myriophyllum alterniflorum water-milfoil, Farwell's Myriophyllum farwellii water-milfoil, low Myriophyllum humile water-milfoil, northern Myriophyllum sibiricum water-milfoil, spp. Myriophyllum spp. water-milfoil, whorled Myriophyllum verticillatum watershield Brasenia schreberi water starwort, spp. Callitriche spp. waterweed, common Elodea canadensis waterweed, slender Elodea nutallii waterwort Elatine minima wild celery (eel grass) Vallisneria americana