Of the 9 Great Ponds located wholly within Acadia National Park (ANP), Eagle Lake is the largest - 466 acres, with a maximum depth of 110 feet. (Long Pond, which borders ANP, is the largest lake on Mount Desert Island, and is approximately twice the size of Eagle Lake in terms of surface area.) One of the most visited carriage roads in ANP circles Eagle Lake.
Secchi data are available from the early 1980s, annual averages ranging from 8.7m to 12.8m (28-42 ft). A summary of water quality parameters is here. Eagle Lake is the water supply for Bar Harbor.
Lakes Stewards of Maine and Maine Lakes staff are hosting a series of webinars dealing with important topics related to Maine lakes. Join us for these presentations followed by discussions. For more information or to see past webinars go to our website!
Did you know Lake Stewards of Maine hosts a webinar series with Maine Lakes? This year starting in January we will have monthly webinars on important topics related to Maine’s lakes.
More information and registration can be found on:
Click here to view current water quality conditions on a representative sample of Maine lakes during summer, or view which lakes have experienced ice-cover in the fall and ice-out in the spring.
The majority of data on lakesofmaine.org comes from certified volunteer citizen scientists. If you are interested in finding a monitoring opportunity, please visit Lake Stewards of Maine or contact our office at 207-783-7733. Email is stewards@LakeStewardsME.org
LakesOfMaine.org sees more than 1,000,000 pageviews annually.
Click here to inquire about becoming a Partner in Lake Stewardship.